Notes on five generations post-Revolution (1792-1912)

by Don Krüger
April 2014


Clyde Burton Davenport 5 generation pedigree chart

AncestChartFred Seward Davenport and Clara Hurd Everts – (1st-Great-Grandparents)
On September 5, 1933 (Labor Day) Fred Davenport died from stab wounds inflicted by John Shenrock during a domestic dispute between Fred, Clara and Shenrock over money. Several months later John Shenrock, who had been a boarder of the Davenport home for 25 years was acquitted of manslaughter charges for reasons of self defense.

It appears that the farm was located on Mathews road south of Hector, NY. Also, one of the neighbors’ names was Mathews. As was the last name of my 4th-great-grandmother, Margaret Mathews, the daughter of Amasa Mathews, a Corporal under Washington at Valley Forge. Mathews is a family name that originated in 1630-1640 Colonial America.

For some reason in the 1915 NY State census, Clyde Davenport and Seward Davenport were listed as living with his mother and father, Fred and Clara Davenport, in the census report for the Town of Hector, NY. So was Harriet (Clyde’s sister) and John Shenrock. Clyde was also listed in the 1915 NY Census living in Albany with Hazel and children Francis and Louise. Clyde was listed as C.B. Davenport in Albany.

Family lore connects the name Seward with William Seward – 12th Gov. of New York and Secretary of State under Lincoln. He was from Auburn, NY – about 50 miles north of Ithaca. I have not found any surname of Seward and I have been on the lookout. Here are the people I have found with the name Seward.

Great-Grandfather – Fred Seward Davenport
Clyde’s Brother – Seward Aranthus Davenport
Clyde’s Sister – Harriet who married Worth Johnson and they named one of their sons Seward. (another son was named Clyde) It was 10 year old Seward Johnson who witnessed the stabbing death of his grandfather, Fred Seward Davenport. Seward Johnson was my mother’s first cousin and the two were the same age.

Aranthus Watkins Everts and Harriet M. Everts – (2nd Great-Grandparents)
Her maiden name was Everts. In two separate news articles both of these contradictory relationships were stated: that Harriet’s brother was named Abram/Abraham Hurd Everts and; her father was named Daniel. The problem being that I can only find one Daniel Everts in Schuyler County who was alive in 1833 and that was Aranthus Watkins Everts’ Great-Grandfather (my 5th great) who died in 1833 at the age of 83. The other problem is that most documentation states that the father of Abram Hurd Everts’ was John M. Everts and his mother was Hannah Wightman.  Added to the confusion, there was a Daniel Everts who was married to a Mary Ann Wightman who may have been Hannah’s sister.

The bottom line is that my family tree gets trimmed a little. Aranthus W. Everts and Harriet M. Everts were cousins of one kind or another. If you were alive before 1850 and your surname was Everts and you lived anywhere at all near Watkins Glen, you would have had Daniel Everts (1750-1833), my 5th great-grandfather, as one of your ancestors.

More research is needed to trace Harriet M. Everts back. (An educated guess is that the M. stands for Mathews)

Everts or Evarts is a family name that seems in all likelihood to date back the 1630s in Guilford, CT. I have some indications that the Everts name was in Hatfield, MA in the 1670s – which is about 20 miles from where I live. Through a marriage in Hatfield between a John Everts and a Margaret Hastings – I am probably 12th cousins or something to my present next-door neighbor – and Clyde Davenport look-alike – Ernie Hastings. The Hastings family came to Gill around the same time as all of my ancestors were moving into the Ithaca area. Also, there is an Everts connection to a William Cheney who came here in the 1630s. He is a 9th or 10th great-grandfather to the former Vice President and maybe to me as well.

Everts/Evarts is a famous name in the 1800s Watkins area. 5th-Great Daniel Everts arrived at Peach Orchard in 1794 from Salisbury, CT with a wife and 8 children. Peach Orchard is about 10 miles up the east coast of Lake Seneca from Watkins. His son, Aranthus (4th great) and his grandson, Alanson (3rd great) were surveyors, and they are responsible for the layout of Watkins Glen.

Aranthus Everts (4th great) was a hero in the war of 1812 and many iterations of this story exist.
Extracts From A Biographical Record of Schuyler County, NY (1903) – states: “Aranthus Everts joined the American Army in 1812 in which he held the rank of Colonel. He commanded Fort Seneca, a Canadian fort. When a flag of truce was sent to him with a demand to surrender, which demand was refused, the General commanding the enemies forces sent the following message to Colonel Everts: “I want you to understand that we will take our breakfast in this fort tomorrow morning” and to this Colonel Everts replied, “If you undertake it you will take your supper in hell.”

Agri-historical note: Vineyards and wine production around Seneca Lake boomed between the years 1880 and 1900. (Clyde was born in 1891) Vineyards and wine production in the Napa Valley in Ca. first boomed from around 1870 to 1900. This may be the reason for the Fred Davenport family’s annual trek to California, and another reason why Clyde always maintained a growing grapevine… Unfortunately, 1919 came along and Prohibition wrecked havoc on the agri-business in this area of New York State.

Stephen Davenport and Maria Sherwood – (2nd Great-Grandparents)
Amaziah Sherwood and Lucy Ann Beebe – (3rd Great-Grandparents)
The Sherwoods and Davenports intertwine quite a bit in this geographical area. Charles Davenport – brother of Stephen (2nd great) married Celestia Sherwood a daughter of David Shearwood. I believe Maria Sherwood (2nd great) and Celestia were cousins of some sort. Even though the Davenports came mostly from Dryden, NY (East of Ithaca) and there were Davenports in Dryden who were living next door to Sherwoods, it appears that Amaziah Sherwood is from Enfield or Newfield (west of Ithaca).

Lucy Ann Beebe (3rd great) is a keystone in my Genealogy. Her first husband, Dr. A. C. Sherwood, died young at age forty-five in 1860. Lucy Ann then married Charles Culver, a widower and next door neighbor, and they settled in Cayutaville, NY. Many items with her name ‘Mrs. L. A. Culver’ appeared in old area newspapers. Items included visits from Fred and Clara Davenport, Clyde Davenport, Seward Davenport, Stephen Davenport, Maria Sherwood, and many other uncles and aunts. Her Obituary lists 5 generations of my family: Seward Davenport (Clyde’s brother); Fred Davenport; Maria Davenport; Lucy Ann (Beebe) (Sherwood) Culver and; her parents John Beebe and Lydia Palmer.

Sherwood is a very historic name that has origins in mid-1600 Weston, Connecticut. I am at a roadblock with Amaziah Church Sherwood at this point and cannot verify anything earlier.

Palmer – 4th Great-Grandmother Lydia Palmer (1784-1856) is a historic name that dates back to 1630’s. Very possibly to Walter Palmer – who founded Stonington, CT.

Beebe is another historic name that has origins in the early 1700s in Southold, NY – more specifically, Plum Island.

Alanson Davenport and Hannah ??? – (3rd Great-Grandparents)
1870 Census for Dryden, NY lists Alanson, Hannah, Charles (Stephen’s Brother) and Celestia (Sherwood) and 2 male children under 15 years old. The next family listed is Stephen and Maria (2nd Greats) with their children, Claude, Seward (Fred) and John G. Followed by 2 more Davenport families.

The next generation (4th greats) from Alanson on the Davenport side gets very blurry. There were four Davenport brothers who were the sons of a John Davenport (1741-??) and Ruth Davenport (5th greats) who began life in Little Compton, RI, prior to the Revolution. The four brothers all removed to Dryden, NY. in the 1820s and 1830s. Their names were Hezekiah, John, Thomas and Humphrey. Three of them, Hezekiah, Thomas, and John, were buried in Robertson Cemetery near the farmlands that they tended, on Baker Hill Road in Dryden.

Historically – Prior to the Revolutionary War, Newport RI was the largest seaport in the colonies. Little Compton was the farming community that supplied food to Newport. Newport was threatened during the course of the Revolution. Most of the residents of Little Compton became displaced – including these four brothers and quite possibly my 5th great, John Davenport, as well. It appears that the John Davenport and his four sons spent some time in Pittstown, NY outside of Albany between 1795 and 1830. Most likely while the ‘Bounty Lands’ were being ‘prepared’.

It is my opinion, based on perceptions of several census reports from 1800, 1810, 1830, and 1850 that Thomas Davenport and Anna are most likely my 4th Great-grandparents. The historic and genealogical evidence going back from this Thomas’s father, John (my 5th great) is very strong leading to another Thomas Davenport (my 9th great) who was born around the year 1615 in England. He arrived in Dorchester, Massachusetts prior to 1639 becoming a freeman in 1642. He is believed to have married Mary Pitman. They had nine children – Sarah, Thomas, Mary, Charles, Abigail, Mehitable, Jonathan, Ebenezer, and John. Thomas died in Boston in 1685. Jonathan is from whom I descend.

Both Presidents Bush descend from Thomas Davenport of Dorchester as well and we share the next generation with them through Jonathan.

So – admittedly. If any evidence shows up that indicates that my 4th Great is not Thomas, it may be very very valid. I get the impression that these 4 brothers and their families stayed very very close to each other, and it is difficult to figure out who’s who and from whose loins anyone really emerged. To make matters worse. My 4th greats, Thomas and Anna, and brother John all die intestate within 3 months of each other in the fall of 1848. (all well into their 70’s)


Hazel Louise Hanshaw 5 generation pedigree chart

AncestChartThis is incredible. Through all sorts of verifications we can be very sure at this point that we should be able to trace back from 12 of my forbears on this side very deeply into colonial America.

James Hanshaw (1790-1870). My 3rd great-grandfather. The Hanshaws only took 3 generations to span this 120 year piece of history where the rest of the families took at least 4 generations. By all accounts James Hanshaw came to NY from New Jersey in the early 1800s. The house he built on Dryden lot # 51 still stands at 15 Sapsucker Woods Road in Ithaca, NY. Until 2011 it was a B&B called ‘The Hanshaw House”. This is located very near where the four Davenport brothers settled and I would have to assume that they knew one another – though I haven’t see any Hanshaw/Davenport marriages or interactions until Clyde and Hazel in 1910.

Sapsucker Woods road intersects Hanshaw Road which goes westward (past the Cornell golf course, the Ithaca country club and a shopping mall) a few miles into the Cayuga Heights section of Ithaca. Some of the future Hanshaws lived in Cayuga Heights with other prominent Ithaca Families like the Mannings and Vaughans. James Hanshaw also had land dealings with Ezra Cornell – founder of Cornell University. About 1/2 mile north of James Hanshaw’s house on Sapsucker Woods Road is the present-day Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

The name Hanshaw apparently changes to Hyndshaw/Hinshaw/Hindshaw as it goes back in time. The earliest Hyndshaw I can find is a John Hyndshaw who was the first settler of present-day Blairstown, NJ in 1729. The Mannings and the Vaughans also have footholds in Blairstown, NJ.

Menu - Chalet Suzanne - Lake Wales Fl*** Side Note *** I became very curious about an ancient menu from the Chalet Suzanne (Lake Wales, Fl) that was amid the Family Bible artifacts. I went to the present-day Chalet Suzanne website and read this: “The Hinshaw family has been making guests welcome for over 80 years…” Is there actually a family connection???

According to several U.S. Census, Chauncey and Elizabeth Hanshaw (2 great) lived at the same residence as Louise and Perry Hanshaw (greats). After Chauncey and Elizabeth died, Fred and Libby Mineah and son Arthur took their place in the residence. In the book, Freeville-Historical Sketch of the Village of Freeville, I found that Chauncey Hanshaw had purchased what was called a ‘Double House’ in Freeville. My assumption is that the Hanshaw residence was a duplex – thus the multi-family residencies.

Samuel I Brown and Sophia Lauterman/Lanterman – (4th great-grandparents)
Both show strong evidence of going back quite a ways into early Colonial America in NJ.

John Manning and Sarah Vaughan – (4th great-grandparents)
Manning and Vaughan will both go back to early 1700, quite possibly earlier on the Manning side. And maybe even to what was known at one time as ‘Mannings Island’ – an isle in the East River now called Roosevelt Island’.

Lyman Perrigo and Betsy Kettle – (4th great-grandparents)
I have nothing further back on Kettle and this may not even be the name.

Lyman Perrigo – There are a whole bunch of Perrigos in Groton, NY (1 mile north of Dryden) – but I cannot find a connection. In general the Perrigo/Perigoe/Perigue name goes back to England. Though French in origin, it goes several generations in England first. Most Perrigos were of military backgrounds and therefore transient. This certainly needs a lot more investigation.

Abraham Mudge and Dimmis Millard – (4th great-grandparents)
Super information on them in the Family Bible. It was their child, Elizabeth, whose 1838 marriage is fully described in the Family Bible Archives.

Millard – goes back in the own archives to John Millard who arrived here in 1639. Most likely President Millard Fillmore is the 5th or 6th grandson of John Millard.

MudgeMemorialAbraham Mudge – (1793-1863) (4th great) Like Lucy Ann Beebe, Abraham Mudge is a kingpin in my Genealogy. He was called ‘The Squire” in the ancestral book on the 50th Wedding Anniversary of John and Elizabeth Perrigo in 1888. He is quoted as a source in Memorials: a genealogical account of the name of Mudge in America by Alfred Mudge. This work traces the Mudge name back to 1638 in America. Even tracing to a Micah Mudge (9th great) who with his father-in-law, George Alexander (10th great) settled Northfield, MA. Micah Mudge was a millwright and surveyor. The original boundaries of Northfield include the land where I now reside. Micah did not stick around Northfield after 2 bouts with King Phillip himself during the King Phillip War. He removed to become a first settler of Hebron, CT. Micah’s son, Ebenezer Mudge, became a settler in Sharon, CT.  Mudge Pond in Sharon is named for him.

Abraham Mudge was buried in Cortland Cemetery in Cortland, NY. There is a 3 generation gravesite where 3rd Greats John and Elizabeth Perrigo, 4th Greats Abraham and Dimmis Mudge, and 5th greats Ebenezer Mudge and Elizabeth Sawyer are buried. Abraham Mudge was one of the founders of the cemetery.

Abraham Mudge served in the military during the War of 1812 and was stationed at Sacketts Harbor.

The Sawyer name may lead back to a Thomas Sawyer (9th great) who with his father-in-law, John Prescott (10th great), settled Lancaster, MA in the mid 1600’s. This needs further investigation, but it seems to be very well documented.

If the Prescott name sounds familiar, it should. John’s great-grandson (a distant cousin of mine) is credited with uttering the words at Bunker Hill – ‘Don’t shoot ’til you see the white’s of their eyes.’ as well as being the second rider with Paul Revere. Both Presidents Bush also descend from John Prescott – but not Thomas Sawyer.

Barcroft family recordsJoseph Hill and Sarah Barcroft – (4th Greats) Through evidence that I have found recently, I can go back two more generations on Joseph and Sarah Hill to Mercer County, NJ. There is some anecdotal information about my 4th Greats – Joseph Hill and Sarah (Barcroft) Hill.

The Barcroft family Records is a genealogical work by Emma Runk – tracing the Barcrofts to mid 1700 NJ/Pennsylvania. And prior to that in England and William the Conqueror. We actually have a picture of Sarah that was supplied to my Great-Aunt by Ms. Runk. Emma Runk is a relative, and her mother, Fannie Barcroft Runk was educated at the Dryden Academy – which was founded by one of the sons of Joseph Hill and Sarah Barcroft, Isaac. We have in the archives scans of two letters from Ms. Runk to Miss Elizabeth Hill Mineah. (I believe this is Sarah Elizabeth Hill who married Frederick E. Mineah and known as Aunt Libby.)

Amos Hart and Ruth Stout – (4th great-grandparents)
Amos Hart or ‘Deacon’ Hart and Ruth Stout were both born in Hopewell, NJ around the beginning of the Revolutionary War. The names Hart and Stout were extremely prominent Colonial New Jersey names. The Harts and the Stouts intertwined and inter-married so many times that I am surprised the surname did not simply become Stouthart or something… Joseph and Sarah Hill (4th greats) seemed to have been quite good friends with Amos and Ruth Hart. They may have known each other in New Jersey. Together they founded a Baptist Church in McClean, NY – a small hamlet between Freeville, and Cortland.

Here are the simple historic facts surrounding Hopewell, NJ.

One of the most valued members of the Baptist meeting house in Hopewell, NJ, was Declaration of Independence signer John Hart who in 1740 purchased 193 acres of land in the north of current day Hopewell, and in 1747 as a sign of Hart’s devotion to the Church, donated a plot of his land to the Baptists. The very next year the Baptists made good use of this land and in 1748 erected their Old School Baptist Church meeting house on West Broad Street.

It was this church that both of my 4th Greats were born into. As best as I can figure at this point John Hart of Declaration of Independence fame is the first cousin of Amos’s father, (my 5th great).

During the night of December 25, 1776 and into the early morning of the 26th, General George Washington and his army crossed the Delaware River from Pennsylvania into Hopewell, NJ. They then went south from there to re-take Trenton. It would necessarily stand to reason that these two families were probably actively involved with this historic event.

The Stout name in colonial New Jersey was significant. It traces to Penelope and Richard Stout who were among the founders of Gravesend in Brooklyn, and Middletown, NJ. According to legend, when Penelope died at the age of 110 (probably not) she left over 500 descendants (probably so). If your name was Stout, and you existed in Colonial NJ – you were probably descended from Penelope. And so, am I.


Fourth Great-Grandparents that are known and that probably can be traced back further

Total – 18 – All but 3 were born before U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1790.

Thomas Davenport
B: 03 February 1769 Little Compton, RI
D: 10 September 1847 Dryden, NY

John Beebe
B: 1787 CT
D: 1874 Near Ithaca, NY

Lydia Palmer
B: 25 September 1784 CT
D: 23 September 1856 Hector, Schuyler, NY

Daniel Everts — Actually a 5th great
B: 23 Jan 1750 Guilford, CT
D: 18 Dec 1833 Hector, Schuyler, NY

Molly “Polly” Hurd *Actually a 5th
B: 07 Oct 1754 Killingworth, CT
D: 3 Feb 1817 Hector, Schuyler, NY

Margaret Mathews
B: 13 Dec 1783 CT
D: 23 Jan 1879 Hector, Schuyler, NY

James Hanshaw — actually a 3rd Great
B: 1790 New Jersey
D: 2 Feb 1870 Ithaca, NY

Samuel I. Brown
B: 18 ct 1758 New Jersey
D: 9 Aug 1822 Ithaca, NY

Sophia Lauterman
B: 22 Mar 1755 New Jersey
D: 8 Dec 1822 Ithaca, NY

John Manning
B: 23 Mar 1779 New Jersey
D: 9 Jan 1829 Ithaca, NY

Sarah Vaughan
B: 20 ct 1780 New Jersey
D: 7 Aug 1827 Ithaca NY

Joseph Hill
B: 25 Sep 1782 New Jersey
D: 12 Sep 1853 McClean, NY

Sarah Barcrot
B: 8 Jun 1788 New Jersey
D: 08 Apr 1874 McClean, NY

Amos Hart
B: 1776 Hopewell, NJ
D: 30 Aug 1863 McClean, NY

Ruth Stout
B: 16 Feb 1781 Hopewell, NJ
D: 7 May 1840 McClean, NY

Lyman Perrigo
B: 16 Apr 1791 CT
D: 5 Feb 1854 New York

Abraham Mudge
B: 1793
D: 3 Nov 1869 Cortland, NY

Dimmis Millard
B: 1792 CT
D: 16 Oct 1866 Cortland, NY